3aj.cn/1156·#ECC# Capacity and # Error correction code# The c ... - tea的微博·二维码.cn:→2.3aj.cn/1156 - 二维码.cn/搜一搜.cn/记事本.cn微博手机版 - 介绍易·Js1.cn
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#ECC# Capacity and # Error correction code#

The capacity of a QR Code depends on several factors.
Besides the version of the code that defines its size (number
of modules), the chosen error correction level and the type
of encoded data influence capacity.

2015年06月28日 00时13分 | 来自 二维码.cn/搜一搜.cn/记事本.cn | 评论(3) | 转发(0)
tea : 回复 tea: Encoded Data: QR Code can use different data encodings
(see Section 3.2.2 for detailed information oncharacter encoding modes).
Their complexity influences the amount of actual characters that can be
stored inside the code.
For example, QR Code Version 2 with lowest error corre

随俺集: b.js1.cn/1157· 二维码.cn

  • 2015年06月28日 00时14分 来自 二维码.cn/搜一搜.cn/记事本.cn
    tea : 回复 tea: Error Correction Level: Error Correction in QR Codes is based on Reed-Solomon Codes , a specific form of BCH error correction codes [3, 8].
    There are four levels (Table 1) of error correction that can be chosen by the user at creation time.
    L 7%
    M 15%
    Q 25%
    H 30%
    Table 1: Er

    随俺集: b.js1.cn/1158· 二维码.cn

  • 2015年06月28日 00时15分 来自 二维码.cn/搜一搜.cn/记事本.cn
    tea : 回复 tea: Version: The 40 different versions of QR Codes mainly differ in the number of modules. Version 1 consists of 21x21 modules, up to 133 (lowest error correction level) of which can be used for storing encoded data.
    The largest QR Code (Version 40) has a size of 177x177 modules and

    随俺集: b.js1.cn/1159· 二维码.cn

  • 2015年06月28日 00时16分 来自 二维码.cn/搜一搜.cn/记事本.cn
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